Talk About Lighting the World On Fire

It’s simple: Christ came to earth to live a perfect, sinless life so that He can die on the cross in our rightful place, paying the price we deserve for sinning against God, for breaking His commandments, so that if we simply trust that Christ died in our place, but then rose again three days later, we will receive His Holy Spirit, the power to say no to sin, and eternal life.

We’ve all lied, or wanted something that wasn’t ours, or taken something that wasn’t ours. We’ve broken God’s commands, and are guilty before Him because of these crimes. None of us are good enough for heaven, only God Himself is good enough. He knew this, and that is why He sent His only Son, God in human flesh, to be our sacrificial lamb.

Before Christ came, God had a system set-up for the Jews that whenever they sinned, they needed a blood sacrifice to be forgiven. A price needed to be paid. But God promised that one day, someone would come, take the sins of the world, and die for us all, becoming a perfect sacrifice once and for all.

Jesus fulfilled over 300 prophecies of this perfect Savior, written by several different men, hundreds and hundreds of years before His birth.

He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no one gets to the Father except through Him.

He loves us more than anyone on this planet. He died for me, He died for you. He tasted death and hell so that we wouldn’t have to, and instead experience eternity with Him, in the presence of Love forever. He is the ultimate Hero. Every one of His commands are given from love, and for our complete benefit. He is good, everything He speaks is good.

When your earthly father forbids you from doing certain things, like clubbing or dating, he’s doing it to protect you because he loves you and wants what’s best for you. How much more does the perfect God, who knows every single outcome before it happens, not only want what’s best for us, but know what’s best for us?

I’ve been there, and everything in my life that brought me temporary happiness eventually left me hurting or wanting more. Relationships, alcohol, friends, popularity, acting, none of it satisfied the deep hole in my heart that cried out for love. I was blessed enough to have both parents around and knew they greatly loved me, but their love wasn’t enough. So I sought relationships, but then no boyfriend could love me the way I desired to be loved. I gave them my whole heart, but they couldn’t take care of it.

Finally, I gave Jesus my whole heart. And in literally six days, He healed it from the brokenness caused by my ex. He filled me with joy, just like He promised in the book of John. He gave Me purpose, and He transformed my heart, and continues to—almost five years later.

I know, beyond a shadow of doubt, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died in my place and rose from the dead because He loves me perfectly. My heart is at rest, it no longer searches for love. It has found Love itself. This peace, this indescribable joy, I must share it with you all because it’s available to any and everyone that’s willing, to anyone who knows life’s empty and that they aren’t holy, to those who aren’t self-righteous but know they’ve messed up, and want to be forgiven by God and desire Him. Heaven is just a bonus, though I’d say salvation from hell is incredibly important.

Jesus taught that it was a literal place “where the fire is not quenched and their worm does not die.” I don’t think anyone wants to spend eternity in that place of eternal destruction.

Why did God make hell? Because He needed a place to cast out and destroy sin. Sin cannot be in His perfect presence, hence Him throwing Satan out of heaven when he rebelled. God can’t have people living in His presence who are going to rise up against Him and those with Him. They need to be destroyed. And the Bible is clear that even if you don’t consciously know it, if you are not following Christ, you’re following Satan. All rebellion, all sin is “of the devil.” He was the first to rebel against God, delusional enough to think he can be like his Creator.

Then God in His goodness decides, “Lucifer, you wanted to be like me? Watch this.” God then creates man in “His image” and gives them authority over all the earth, and, knowing they’re going to rebel just like Satan, He plans to send His perfect Son so that those who trust in Him will literally sit on His throne, receive a crown, His Holy Spirit, His glory, complete knowledge, basically, we will share all that is Christ’s and receive His inheritance because we trusted in Him. That’s why satan hates us so much guys. Because he, although a powerful, stunningly beautiful angel who stood in God’s presence, can never be like Him, but we helpless, weak, human beings can receive all of Christ’s glory. We can obtain what Satan always wanted so he’s enraged against us, knowing he will spend eternity in hell, thus he wants to bring down as many of us humans as possible to burn and be destroyed with him.

He’s consumed with hatred for us, so it blows my mind that people make light of this enemy while others like Lady Gaga act like following him is beneficial. They are clueless. They do not see that their fate, if they choose to continue on their path, is the same as his. They will not escape but by Jesus Christ, the only One who can save us from sin and hell.

The choice is ours.

About Natasha Sapienza

Daughter of the King, married to a prince. Writer, actress, and my husband's side-kick filmmaker. View all posts by Natasha Sapienza

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